In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I'd like to take a little time to talk about our alcohol of the month: whiskey. This is...a deep topic. So today there won't be any recipes, just a little knowledge drop.
So why whiskey? Well let's start with history. While there are some historians who feel there are versions of whiskey dating as far back as the Babylonians, most seem to agree that whiskey got its start in Ireland in the monasteries of the early 1400s. And is it whiskey or whisky? Ireland and America seem to agree on keeping the "e", but Britain, Scotland, and Canada all tend to eliminate it.
Now we get into what constitutes whiskey and al the varieties. To keep this fairly simple, whiskey is a fermented grain mash, typically aged in a wooden barrel (cask). Looking at it broadly, this means there are a number of different varieties and a number of different grains. Ireland and Scotland are largely barley, while American whiskies often use rye, maize, wheat, or corn. First, you have straight whiskey. This is made from a majority of a single type of grain and is aged at least two years. So you know what all falls in this category? Bourbon, single-malt scotch, single malt Irish whiskey, Tennessee whiskey, and rye. Now, as you might expect, blended whiskey simply means there is a blend of grains or, in some cases, a blend of a variety of straight whiskies.
Now I can talk your ear off about which brands I love and how I like to sip or mix them, but let's be honest here: you're here to learn more about mixology so I'm going to keep it really simple and stick with one brand. I'm going with my good old standby, Jack Daniel's. One reason: I have a bit of personally attachment and nostalgia about the brand. I toured the distillery with my grandparents many years ago and it was the first whiskey I consumed. I also generally find it to be readily available and at a reasonable price point. I can sip it straight, but I find that it holds its own and even shines when mixed. If you already have a favorite, feel free to use that. Whiskey somehow feels like one of the intensely personal spirits for people and I don't want your enjoyment of the next few weeks to be lessened by a hard adherence to my preference.
Now: bottoms up!
Cheers! Salud! Prost! Slainte! Soupy twist!